Not sleeping? Nine foods which could be keeping you awake at night

Eating cheese before you go to bed could keep you awakeEating cheese before you go to bed could keep you awake
Eating cheese before you go to bed could keep you awake
One in three Brits suffer from poor sleep, and foods like chocolate and toast could be part of the problem.

The team from health and fitness site have drawn up a list of nine foods that are making us tired and tetchy.

A bad night’s sleep can increase the risk of obesity, heart disease and diabetes, as well as damaging the immune system and having a negative effect on mental health.

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But cutting out certain foods before bed could help you drift off quicker and get all the shut eye your body needs.

A spokesperson for said: “Thousands of Brits are probably guilty of reaching for a midnight snack or a bite to eat before going to bed.

“But something like a bowl of cereal before you try and get to sleep could be causing more harm – both mentally and physically – than you think.

“There are certain foods that we expected to see on this list – cheese, for example – but some surprising foods also made the cut, like peppermint and dried fruit.

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“Most are full of nutrients causing your body to work harder, which isn’t really what your body needs right before bedtime when it should be resting.”

1. Chocolate

With all the left-over Easter Eggs lying around it’s easier than ever to have a nibble before bed. However, the amount of caffeine in the tasty treat means you’ll be tossing and turning all night.

2. Sugary Cereals

The amount of sugar in your late-night bowl of cereal will increase your blood sugar levels while you sleep. This means you’ll be waking up in the middle of a sugar crash.

Stick to eating cereal once you wake up from your slumber.

3. White Bread

Full of processed sugar, a quick slice of toast before you sleep means you’ll be feeling full of energy. Brown bread, however, is safer.

4. Spicy Food

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