Driver clocked doing 103mph near Filey in a 60mph zone

A driver was stopped doing 103mph near Filey.A driver was stopped doing 103mph near Filey.
A driver was stopped doing 103mph near Filey.
Police caught a driver doing 103mph near Filey and another speeding at 96mph near Whitby.

The Filey speedster was captured overtaking on solid white lines on the A165 in a 60mph limit zone on Friday.

North Yorkshire Police's Traffic Bureau team said: "The driver will hear from us soon where they will need to explain their actions in court."

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The team said the second vehicle was caught going at 96mph on the A171 near Whitby, where the limit is 60mph, on Saturday.

"Enquiries will begin shortly and the driver will hear from us soon.

"This speed falls within court criteria," said the team.

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